Here is your opportunity to shine:
Your donation will help to transform one youth, who is destined to go to jail, into a taxpayer.
It’s hard to quantify the savings to society, over a lifetime. We eliminate one social services caseload, clear the court dockets and police files of one name, eliminate one person on the waiting list at emergency, wipe clear repeated visits to the Principal…
In more positive terms, you create a smile of hope, more beautiful than sunrise or a blooming rose. The excited squeals of laughter will vicariously activate happy centers and happy chemicals in your brain. A young person empowered with confidence and a career plan… you create that.
Your donation to sponsor one youth will enlighten your eyes and lift your chest like no magic pill. The alchemy of giving will transform a little bundle of conditional scholarship, into pure, shining goodness shared by many.
It’s a spiritual law of the soul: you can’t keep anything, until you give it away. Here is your opportunity to give away, (and essentially keep) your hard earned opportunities.
What goes around, definitely comes around. As you lift up these young people in need, you will realize new doors opening for yourself and your loved ones.
The Joy of Giving gives you Unshakeable Strength.
Giver’s Gain
Are you interested in a leadership position, and connecting with amazing, inspiring people? Apply for Board membership here
Are you ready to reap great rewards by helping bright at-risk youth? Pledge or Donate here